Lemon Haze $HAZE

Stake to Earn + Discounted Purchase

What is $HAZE?

Lemon Haze is a token for eaning.

There are several ways you can earn.

-> You can earn by Staking on our app.

-> Or you can Purchase at a discount through our app, and as it vests over the purchase term of 5 days, your tokens are automatically Staked.

We are currently on the Binance network (BSC), but we are expanding to other networks, like Fantom.

Stake APR




Whats the Plan?

Our plan is to create Token Owned Liquidity. Being Liquid means you can readily buy and sell $HAZE. And having the Liquidity owned by the Token means LP earnings are distributed to Token holders through Staking.

Out long term goal is to create a token that has the capacity to acrue value through an asset backing. This can support the price of $HAZE, and allow earnings to be distributed to holders. Like shared that pay dividends.

How to Get

Here is how to get HAZE.


To Stake Lemon Haze you first need to purchase some from the exchange. Then you head to the app and Stake. But before you stake you must Approve.

  1. Make sure to change to the Binance Smart Contract network,
  2. Click HERE to go to Pancake Swap and exchange some coin for HAZE token,
  3. Once you have HAZE, come back here and go to the App,
  4. Select 'I want to Stake', then click 'Approve' (if you haven't approved already),
    [if after a while you dont see the 'Stake' button, try reloading the app]
  5. Enter the amount of HAZE to stake,
  6. Click Stake, and you will receive a $iHAZE token which represents the amount of HAZE you can swap for,
  7. Enjoy the automatic rewards and growth!

HAZE not showing in your wallet? Look below for adding to your wallet.


You can purchase HAZE at a discount, which is then released to you over a vesting term of 5 days. The tokens are automatically added to the Stake pool for you. You can choose to Unstake and sell, or leave Staked and Earn!

  1. Head to the App,
  2. Select 'I want to Purchase',
  3. If you haven't approved already, click the 'Approve' button,
  4. The app will show you what you can purcahse with, so enter the amount you want to spend and click to view the amount of HAZE you will receive,
  5. Click to confirm the purchase,
  6. At any time you can to the app and view the progress of your purchase.

When you Stake, your $HAZE token will be converted to $iHAZE. The number of $iHAZE you hold will increase in accordance with the current Annual Percentage Rate.

For every $iHAZE that is unstaked, you will receive the same number of $HAZE tokens.

Our Details

We are currently on the Binance Smart Contract network, but as we expand we will update the details here.

Binance Smart Chain - BSC

HAZE Token 0x7eEa1aa8D49ceF0CCdf8524bEB9dd7612f09A24B
iHAZE Token 0x7eEa1aa8D49ceF0CCdf8524bEB9dd7612f09A24B
Lemon Haze $HAZE - Twitter - Discord - Pancake Swap - BSCScan